
Oman and Indonesia mark more than 40 years of diplomatic relations

17 June 2021

The Sultanate and Indonesia today celebrated 43 years of diplomatic relations by holding a virtual forum titled “Oman-Indonesia Partnership: A Bridge To The World”.

Mohammed Irzan Djohan, Ambassador of Indonesia to the Sultanate, commended the pace of development of bilateral relations and the constant contact between the two countries.

HH Sayyid Nazar Al Julanda al-Said, the Sultanate’s Ambassador to Indonesia, valued the efforts undertaken by the Republic of Indonesia to foster ties of joint cooperation.

Bagus Hendraning Kobarsyih, Director of the Middle East Department at the Indonesian Foreign Ministry, said the two countries enjoy robust relations and will shortly sign agreements in the field of air transport.

During the videoconferencing event, officials from Oman and Indonesia presented reports in the areas of investment, tourism and energy.

The event also saw a display on investment opportunities and incentives offered by the Sultanate to foreign investors in the above-mentioned sectors.

This is an unofficial English translation of the original Arabic text. To view the official Arabic text click here.