A television interview with Foreign Minister Badr Albusaidi, with Al-Arabiya and Al-Hadath channels.
His Excellency Sayyid Badr bin Hamad bin Hamoud Al Busaidi, the Foreign Minister, gave a television interview on the “Special Interview” programme with the media, Mais Al-Harbi, which was broadcast on Tuesday, September 14, 2021 on Al-Arabiya and Al-Hadath channels. Many issues of concern were discussed in the interview, the text of which is as follows:
How do you summarise the Omani foreign policy in light of the events taking place in the region?
First, thank you for visiting the Sultanate of Oman and for this meeting and meeting your brothers in this country. The answer to this question can be summarised in the fact, that you are in the Sultanate today and you can see the situation in the country and its internal policy, which is a reflection of its foreign policy, which is based on coexistence, peace, good neighbourliness and resolving all issues, crises, and disputes through peaceful and civilised means. We in the Sultanate have adopted this policy, which is based on fundamentals, principles, norms, and international law that we respect and support, and we have succeeded in it, as well as in our foreign policies. If we apply these principles to many issues and crises, we can achieve stability and peace among all countries.
Your Excellency, in less than one year there is a remarkable increase in mutual visits between the Sultanate and Saudi Arabia. How do you see the Saudi-Omani cooperation in resolving crises?
The Sultanate of Oman and Saudi Arabia represent a strategic depth due to their geographical location and as two neighbouring countries. What distinguishes this relationship for decades is that there is mutual respect and great trust at the level of the two leaderships, governments, and peoples. This relationship played a major role as a solid pillar of stability, peace, and security in this region.
How do you see the future of the Gulf region?
The GCC countries have completed forty years and have gone through many challenges and crises and have been able to overcome them throughout the ages. The Gulf Cooperation Council remains viable thanks to the keenness of the leaders of each country to preserve and build on it and to benefit from the lessons and issues that we have witnessed during this era. I am optimistic about the future of our countries in the Gulf Cooperation Council and even the relations of the regional neighbors around us. By adopting wisdom and foresight, we can navigate this region to what is better and benefit the future of our people.
How does the Sultanate of Oman see the scene of crises in the region?
Unfortunately, there are crises from which the Arab world has been suffering for nearly 70 years. But I don't think we will find anyone disagreeing on the importance of overcoming and resolving these crises. I think that the optimal solution is based mainly on ourselves at home. For example in Syria. I think that the solution must be Syrian in the end, as well as in Yemen the solution must be Yemeni because they are the sons of that country and they are the ones who have to forge a better future for their countries. Our role in this region is to help brothers everywhere and resolve these crises so that they can regain their role in the region and maintain dialogue with the world around us.
How did the Sultanate of Oman enter as a direct mediator in Yemen in 2021?
We do not often use the word mediator in our terminology. Our role is more to help and try to reconcile views. Yemen is a brotherly Arab country, a neighbour, and has suffered a lot. Therefore, it is our duty, as it is the duty of all our brothers in the region, to help this country as much as we can towards stability, stopping the war, and achieving reconciliation between all parties to formulate a secure and stable future for Yemen.
An Omani delegation headed to the Yemeni capital, Sanaa, after Saudi Arabia launched the initiative. Why didn't the Houthis accept the ceasefire?
There are continuous efforts and endeavours. I think that there are strong convictions now to stop this war and go to the political process, so I think we are close to this goal.
What is the level of coordination between you, the UN, and US envoys in the Yemen crisis now?
Coordination is continuous and positive. I think there is a consensus and convergence of views. This is a very helpful factor, and we support the UN and the US envoys in their efforts to help Yemen and us in achieving our common goals.
In 2020, at the Manama conference, your comment was that the US classification of Yemen's Houthis as terrorists will not solve the Yemeni conflict. What is the solution to the Yemeni conflict?
Through dialogue, not exclusion. No party should be excluded, especially if it is an essential party to the solution. This party must be part of the solution if we want a solution to this crisis. This opinion is still valid and I think it is clear in the position of the new US administration and its support for this opinion.
Are there contacts with Tehran to convince the Houthis to stop the war?
The Yemeni issue needs a Yemeni solution and not another solution. If there is a role for the neighbour Iran or any other country, it must be a positive one. According to what we hear from officials in Iran and outside Iran, they support the initiative and the role of the United Nations, as well as our approach to stopping the war. They also support the humanitarian aspects that Yemen needs in various fields, such as medicine, food, construction, etc.
The Houthi negotiating delegation has been present in the Sultanate of Oman since 2016, after consultations with Kuwait. Is their presence a window for the Houthis to the world?
Under the existing siege, it was difficult for them to communicate their point of view to the outside world. Therefore, we granted them this advantage so that they can meet with all interested parties, whether they were from the region or from outside. Therefore, we believe that this step is important in what we are striving for, to find all parties and enable them to express their opinion in the context of negotiation and building confidence with all parties.
Do you think that Oman was affected after the Houthis rejected the efforts of the Omani delegation to Sanaa?
I do not think they refused our efforts. In fact, they welcomed and supported these endeavours and efforts.
Are there any Omani reservations in the current nuclear negotiations?
We hope that these negotiations will reach a satisfactory conclusion for all because we think that the existence of an agreement and consensus is very important for the region’s security and stability. Therefore, we hope all of the negotiating parties would give precedence to this strategic vision in the region. The existence of an agreement is better than not.
We support these negotiations and that these efforts would reach a satisfactory conclusion not only to the parties to the agreement but to all interested countries that have some concerns. According to our latest information, they are close to reaching this agreement, because they are in a race against time, which is not in the interest of any party. I hope that they can seize this opportunity to achieve this hope.
Do you think that the Sultanate of Oman may bring the views of Iran and the countries of the region closer, after the taking over by the new government in Iran?
Iran is one of the countries in this region and it has many interests, woes and may be concerned. Our goal within the framework of the Cooperation Council is to reach dialogue and understanding on many issues, which may have been a source of disagreement or misunderstanding in the past. So, when this convergence and communication is achieved, I think that it would be in the interest of all.
The Strait of Hormuz has been subject to many tensions over the past years. What are the Sultanate's concerns regarding the aggravation of crises in this strait?
The Strait of Hormuz is an important lifeline in this region and is governed by international law, which calls and obliges all countries to respect the freedom and safety of navigation in this strait. As it is a major lifeline in the region, it is in everyone's interest that this strait remains safe and that freedom of navigation is available to all its users.
On the tenth of last July, you said that the Sultanate would not be the third country to normalise relations with Israel. Would you be the fifth?
The term “normalisation” has been widely used in recent years and I think it is an imported word. In politics and diplomacy, we move according to facts and constants, and we always call for the adoption of the concepts of justice in finding solutions to many crises.
There is no doubt that the Palestinian issue is a key and important issue in this region. Failure to solve this issue resulted in many crises and tensions. Therefore, we strongly believe that solving the Palestinian issue is an urgent need and strategic necessity if we want this region to have sustainable stability and positive cooperation. Therefore, there is no choice now but the solution that is based on the two-state solution, which has been confirmed by international resolutions and the Arab Peace Initiative and it is a position that we all must support.
We respect the decisions of some countries to adopt a different approach from the above. I believe that even these countries believe in this solution that is based on the existence of two independent states living in peace side by side.
The Taliban movement announced the formation of its government, what is the position of the Sultanate of Oman regarding what is happening in Afghanistan?
Our position is based on an equal and largely neutral approach towards all these parties. We always hope that Afghanistan will be stable, that the current government will be for all Afghans and that it will have stable and constructive relations with neighbouring countries.
From this standpoint, I think that we have at least a kind of duty to help and encourage this approach in accordance with the internationally recognised rules in relations between states.
Afghanistan has had a resident embassy in the Sultanate of Oman for a while now.
This embassy operates and receives directions from the government. The situation in Afghanistan is an internal matter. We undoubtedly respect the decision of the Afghan people, and we will deal with the government at the appropriate time.
To watch the interview, please visit the link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uU-oGGyt92M